“Analyzing what you haven’t got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career.”
Grace Moore – American Opera Star
Spring is the classic time of rebirth.
Lilies are returning, daffodils punch holes in the earth and wildflowers are nearly everywhere.
God’s beauty is all around – but chocked full of flaws.
When you traverse a beautiful field of wildflowers you will also notice the tremendous amount of weeds in the mix.
Broadcast brands are much like this field.
Perhaps talent is on cue, executing with linear communication. Imaging flows flawlessly, both painting the station and at times – generating momentum.
But inside the details, you find the weeds.
If you coach a brand, invite your talent to reveal something – anything about THEIR life in each quarter hour.
Morning shows – allowing listeners inside YOUR world will transform a likable talent into a lovable personality!
Challenge talent to put their unique personality into breaks – outside liner cards.
There will be mistakes in a growth season.
No brand is perfect.
In order to grow your brand, change sprout ‘weeds’.
We pull them, but like dandelions they tend to grow back with veracity.
With proper perspective, weeds can be good.
As the late, great mentor Dave Robbins noted – “The only difference between a flower and a weed is the attachment of a judgment”.
Grow talent is time-consuming. Messy.
Birthing NEW creative content? You’ll get weeds.
It’s a natural human trait.
No one is perfect the first time – or ever. Have patience growing your team.
It’s the key to growing talent – and a robust brand.
Finally, the not-so-dirty-little secret?
80% of talent gets no fertilizer (coaching) – at all.
And – with Covid-19 ravishing broadcast clusters, there’s far fewer difference makers.
Next Week: Election Season?