“The difference between Flowers and weeds is -judgement.” -Wayne Dyer
During a delightful Spring day, you come upon a clearing with spectacular flowers in bloom, colors of every hue with aromas that would knock a bee off its perch.
A thing of God’s beauty – but chocked full of flaws.
As you drop to your knees to view a small patch of this wonderful field – you also notice a tremendous amount of weeds surrounding the flora.
GREAT brands are much like this field.
The mess Covid-19 has done to YOUR brand has only exasperated the weeds.
The strategy is on cue, executing with genuine excellence and communication.
Tactics flow flawlessly, both painting the brand in broad strokes and generating results.
But inside the details, you find the weeds. No brand is perfect – and immune to historical speed-bumps.
Not Starbucks – McDonald’s – Apple.
Every change will sprout ‘weeds’.
We can pull them, but like dandelions – they tend to grow back with veracity.
Plus, with proper perspective, weeds can be good.
It’s a natural human trait.
No one is perfect the first time – or ever.
And – there’s never the perfect time to plant the ‘new’.
Steve Harvey tells us to ‘jump’ – HERE.
Have patience with the weeds.
During Covid-19 re-build, there will be plenty of them.
You can separate the wheat from the chafe after ‘the new’ take root!
NEXT WEEK: Death of the Expert