“Be Careful What You Wish For, History Starts Now”
John Ondrasik – Five for Fighting
Covid-19 made the previous 15 months for many of us – a blur.
Remote working and learning has put some of us in ‘coast’ mode.
There is only one way to coast.
As we return to the brick and mortar, take a day to intently hear and view our brands.
With or without a Nielsen/Eastlan scorecard, every day – every break – is a new opportunity to create a great experience for your Listener.
The past is gone, we can simply plan for the future while today is our only opportunity to execute change.
As Hall Of Fame football coach Lou Holtz explains – W.I.N. equals:
What’s Important. Now.
Your latest success or failure has nothing to do with your last victory or defeat.
Those who lose often load up the excuse wagon with clichés like “It Is What It Is”.
Winners will nod to victory and accept defeat with “It Is What We Made It”.
Recent 50 year old PGA winner Phil Michelson said two just weeks ago:
“I’ve failed many times in my life and career and because of this I’ve learned a lot. Instead of feeling defeated countless times, I’ve used it as fuel to drive me to work harder. So today, join me in accepting our failures. Let’s use them to motivate us to work even harder.”
There’s a reason automobiles have a small rear-view mirror and a large windshield.
It’s what’s in front of you – that matters. Today.
Our history – starts now.
Next Up: Small Parts (Revisited)