It rings inside – like it was yesterday.
As a young talent and just off a record ratings book, the ‘consultant’ came to visit, and outlined that the big audience, during my show, was a product of – the music.
NOT personality.
The explanation was classic – radio is like any other ‘utility’.
Listeners turn it on, expect it to be a service for a short time, and turn it off when they are through.
Just like the power company, the sewer district or the gas provider.
Through the years, even in the pre-consolidation world, this thought has been announced and endorsed at countless seminars and conventions.
Regrettably, this has often become the self-filling prophecy – reflected by lifeless brands all over the country.
Media across the USA is homogenized, syndicated and voice-tracked, resulting in a benign, utilitarian sound.
We continue to be in love with our digital assets while still not mastering consistent local, compelling content for our motherships.
You can craft recorded audio – even syndicated – with a local and compelling sound.
I challenge you to listen – actually HEAR – your brand for 30 minutes, today.
Does your station sound custom for your local market – and reflect what’s happened in the last 24 hours?
Or do you find your product simply a background service for your listener?
You can choose – Utility.
Or you can choose to develop a compelling brand that makes that switch harder to flip.
Next Up – Corn