“TV gives everyone an image, but radio gives birth to millions of images in millions of brains. – Peggy Noonan
Our industry got our collective belt buckles in a bundle last month when SirusXM floated this ad:
SiriusXM is (mostly) right.
As you dive through the belly of America, scanning local terrestrial radio, you’ll discover a bucketful of – nothing.
If you like talent who tells you little beyond a brief introduction to title and artist, you’ll be a big fan.
The vast majority of music brand operators employ local or national voice-trackers who offer little to the consumer.
Few – if any – build breaks to engage the audience, tell a story or bond with community.
Many local, community mornings show are serviceable (and a handful – exceptional) with few breakthrough talent past 9am.
All while radio friend Ron Parker and other former ‘radio’ talent are burning up SXM’s 70’s on 7 – with energy and content.
*Spoiler* – it’s not the talents’ fault.
We’ve found time and again the direction talent is given is weak.
Or – non-existent.
The train of “shut up and play the hits” has long left the station.
Listen intently to your brands today. Hear what’s offered.
If you’re a content creator, ask (demand?) permission to entertain.
If you’re coaching Content Creators, encourage talent to spin a story, sound like your community and paint with words.
Millions of brains are waiting for those million images.
Next Up – Where’s Radio?