Background TV – you know the kind when it’s ON just to be on?
One night – every night – when you have the tube on and a laptop – on your lap.
THIS night – Grey’s Anatomy, drifting in and out of awareness was on the ‘first screen’ when THIS – escaped the speakers:
“… The expected is just what keeps us steady – standing – still. The expected is just the beginning. The unexpected… is what changes our lives.”
Meredith Grey needs to program a radio station.
Good media brands are built on quality basics.
A solid, consistent programming platform with assists from an engaging morning show, better-than-average air talent and consistent, multi-platform marketing.
The expected.
But GREAT brands perform surprises which create a “can’t miss” feeling among the consumer.
The unexpected.
Research and consultants can only take you so far.
It is the frosting – the unexpected that puts you in front of the pack.
And – creates memorable moments.
Have YOU broken YOUR routine with something – anything this week that’s unexpected?
Most choose the comfort of routine.
On one road trip, while gassing up in the belly of America.
Zero GPS left me manually searching for Route 3, a breath-taking section of America’s Great River Road.
The cheerful Casey’s General Store clerk responded:
‘It’s 9 miles ahead at the fork. But it’s quicker to take the Interstate ‘cuz on Route 3 you’ll go through lots of little towns with nothing to see’.
‘Oh – I know’.
Then – drove deep into the unexpected.
Next Week – Brand Bland
Kevin Robinson is a record-setting and award-winning programmer. His brands consistently perform in the Top 3 of the target – often as the list leader. In his 35 years of radio, he’s successfully programmed or consulted nearly every English language radio brand. Known largely as a trusted talent coach, he’s the only personality mentor who’s coached three different morning shows on three different stations in the same major market to the #1 position. His efforts have been recognized by The World Wide Radio Summit Radio & Records, NAB’s Marconi, Radio Ink and has coached CMA, ACM and Marconi winning talent. Kevin lives in Indiana with his wife of 34 years, Monica. Reach Kevin at (314) 882-2148 or