“Radio keeps looking at the music list for the answer.It ain’t there!”Legendary Programmer George Johns
Sixteen years ago – this month – New York’s legendary CBS-FM flipped to a syndicated format.
The format wouldn’t survive 14 months.
Much of the severed talent were re-enlisted – packaging refreshed – playlist redesigned.
CBS-FM even relaunched with the same song they vacated the format.
Frank Sinatra’s – Summer Wind.
The CBS-FM exercise is a clinic on leaders and lemmings.
Our industry is eternally searching for the Silver Bullet – the Easy Button – the Blue Pill.
Long-term success rides on custom, local strategic assessment.
Lemming Graveyard is littered with syndicated headstones. Rock 40, Arrow, All 70’s, All 80’s, Jammin’ Oldies, Jack, Movin’ (We’ll stop there).
It took former programmer, legendary leader and Oldies fan Dan Mason to comb through the triage handed to him at CBS-FM and make course corrections.
On GUT – not research.
The music station – today – is challenged by Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Prime, SiriusXM. Anywhere YOUR listener can build a curated a free playlist.
PEOPLE make the product – talent takes YOU to the top.
Perhaps our next generation product builders will emerge from Sam Alex’s Camp Broadcast commencing in two weeks.
Or you?