“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”
John Wooden
We should have thought about it before. There was never a need as all of our sessions are custom. Strategic, tactical, music alignment, coaching. All custom to each brand. With the Internet why would you ever need one? Even if we did, it would be outdated by delivery time. “Does Audience Development Group do a prep sheet for their clients?” was the question lobbed from a reader. The answer is – no. Tim Moore and I at the Audience Development Group have discussed it. We often recommend, when prep services are up for renewal to drop them (unless there’s copyright freedom for audio). With the ‘Three in Three’ prep exercise, you quickly learn you won’t need them. Additionally. Our brands build a Target Listener in which to filter custom content. The most important issues that resonate with listeners across ALL brands include relationships, jobs (money), entertainment, health and episodic content. Most of which you won’t find in a prep sheet that are typically soaked with The Daily Horoscope, Today In History and The Impossible Question. Your Listener is engaged by the stories you tell that emotionally resonate and the theatre of your show. Not ‘bits’ dropped though out a show. So, as you can read this in less than three minutes, you can prep in the same amount of time – with the help of the Internet, local news sites or simply by observing the world around you. You know – ‘walking around’ prep. A strange thing happens when talent develop their own stories. They OWN it. Still think you need prep sheet? There’s plenty of free stuff on-line. Talkers? I’ve said it before, if you can’t find it- here – you probably don’t need it. Uncomfortable about cutting the prep sheet lifeline? Call us. Next Up – Silver Bullet |