“Skating taught me to set a goal and to block out other things and just focus on this – one thing.”
-Katarina Witt
In the silence of Social Distancing, it’s a great time to re-evaluate YOUR brand.
What’s YOUR one thing – either personally or professionally.
Prior to a recent a movie screening a few years back (remember those?), the host radio station sent their street-best to open the show.
During the introductions, the talent kept asking questions about their brand. ·
- What they do on Saturday nights
- The time their afternoon talent airs
- Contests they were running
The theater was populated with their most ardent fans yet most were stumped because the young brand was only known for ONE thing.
Their musical position.
Most brands are known initially for doing ONE thing.
- McDonald’s – hamburgers
- Starbucks – coffee
- IBM – computers
Successful line extension occurs carefully – after the ONE THING is established.
This is more a product of the 7 Slots of Short Term Memory rather than inferior marketing.
And – it takes YEARS to be known for more than one thing.
The legendary George John‘s led KVIL/Dallas was in format over 25 years before they became know for Music At Work, Ron Chapman and The Incredible Prize Catalog (eventually The Dallas Cowboys).
It can be accomplished – patience and time in category is the key.
Jennifer Bourn of Bourn Creative outlines – sharp focus on YOUR one thing is critical in building YOU as a brand.
Find your ONE THING – focus and become known for it!
When we emerge to the New Normal, THAT one unique thing will set you apart.
Next Week: Digital Dilution