“Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance” – Dale Carnegie Covid-19 certainly has changed the networking game – If not all but canceled it. Events will require masks – so now more than ever – your NAME is more important than your face. We’ve visited the technique of Scott Ginsburg over the past decade. Scott is the guy who, since 2000 has worn a Hello My Name IS Scott – nametag. Every day, every hour, every minute. He even has it tattooed on his chest – so it’s on when he showers. One visit to Scott at www.hellomynameisscott.com. And you’ll know who he is – instantly. Have a look at what Life Coach and Expert Networker Halle Simpson says about getting the most out of networking. Many lack confidence and – harbor fear – in a business social situation. Gain YOUR confidence by taking Halle’s ‘6 Tips’ for networking to heart – here. In measured media, we ‘run for office’ every quarter hour. Every day – every month. Imagine you – applying Scott’s affinity for name recognition and Halle’s passion for networking – with your media brand. Making a face impact on the first meeting – audience | client | networking – is paramount. Confidently, rip those weeds of fear out of your thoughts. Here’s a quick set-up list for your next event: Upon greeting, announce who you are (and who you’re with) – first AND last name Create nametags, embroidered shirts or ID’s for your staff (magnets backs for nicer clothing/events)Engage prior to station/client business (where are you from/where do your kids go to school?) That’s where relationships are built. Give your New Friend FULL attention, being engaged – ‘in the moment’ Leave something – anything – memorable to create a lasting impact On air – same goes. Say YOUR name – and your brand first AND last name. In the order of how the logo reads – same way every break. You can make an impact with the smallest details. Hand-written thank you notes? You’ll certainly be the only one in your brand lane – paying attention. Next Week – Reception |