“Cuz it’s not who you knew
And it’s not what you did
It’s how you live“
–Point of Grace
I remember the clip in All Access – more than a several years back.
It wasn’t simply a rage against the situation but a comment on how we treat each other.
A decade ago JD Gibbs, now Operations Director at Nebraska’s 840 KTIC, penned a piece for All Access entitled No Calls/No E-mails/No Thanks. It was a comment on our over-communicated, not-communicating world – BEFORE The iPhone had saturation.
Here’s a small slice:
“I read a job posting that actually said “NO CALLS/NO E-MAILS. Anybody that calls or e-mails me about this job will automatically be disqualified from consideration.” If I call you and tell you I’m interested in your gig, you’ll disqualify me? Well then, my friend, keep it.“
Legendary genius programmer Buzz Knight is championing the return to business etiquette:
“I’m hoping as the year is still fresh that etiquette and courtesy can come back. The courtesy of a response to an email, a phone call, a reach out. The simple decency of response. There is still hope, but it has to start with bringing back etiquette.”
Buzz published a Radio Ink missive three weeks ago on just that – HERE.
With The Covid-19 job cuts (or any distressed job seeker), consider how you treat the gangs of fresh job seekers looking for feedback.
Do you treat communication with the jobless – your listener – your colleagues – as a burden?
Is your door open?
Are you returning phone calls – same day?
Returning e-mails – within a business daypart?
With Covid-19 restrictions loosening, how about greeting listeners on air and on site – like royalty.
The Point of Grace quote that launched this column is from their song How You Live – not just a good Christian song.
It’s a GREAT song. With a great message.
Click here to watch the video.
We make a choice on how we live – and – treat each other.
Let’s begin making better choices.
Next Week: 20 Things