“Men Wanted: For hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.” – Earnest Shackleton’s alleged recruitment ad
England – 1914. A well-funded Sir Earnest Shackleton leaves London with 27 brave men in tow for exploration in Antarctica on The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition.
After their ship sinks in frigid seas one year later, the men set forth on land and ice flows with only sled dogs to assist in navigation.
Spoiler – after an additional three brutal years, their heroic journey ends with a successful landing on South Georgia Island to the awe of seasoned whaling captains – aware of the extent of their achievement.
Not one crew member perished.
The chronical – Endurance – is required leadership reading.
Shackleton hired his best crew, delivered focused direction and let the men do their best work.
While leading from the front.
Keys to Shackleton’s leadership:
- Inspire Optimism – His energy was contagious as he encouraged the team to play games, sing as a group and practical joking.
- Clear Purpose – Each crew member understood their purpose void of vagary.
- Team Unity – The value on hard work and loyalty was fostered throughout the ranks.
- Strategic Yet Flexible Planning – On one attempt to traverse the ice to land in the face of adversity – he changed the course four times.
- Tough Decisions – Early in the voyage his cook serve the meal while obviously drunk. Fired on the spot. Shackleton DID keep him on his team in a differing capacity. Loyalty.
Legacy broadcasters could benefit from his charge.
Multiples are leaking – revenue is scarce – human capital a premium.
Robust exponential growth in the audio – and video – space requires innovation.
And – leadership.
Great leaders hire smart, create energy, inspire creativity, open to innovation and build team strength.
Great leaders have – bedrock endurance.
Next Up – The Complete Package