“If you don’t vote – you lose the right to complain”-George Carlin
With few exceptions – like this past weekend’s Texas Congressional run-offs – election season is in the rear view.
Your team may or may not realize that every piece of content creation – every day – is an opportunity to be voted thumbs up.
Or thumbs down.
We are running an election – Nielsen PPM, diary, Eastlan telephone survey or no ratings at all – constantly.
When a client or consultant say they are getting things ‘in order for a BIG spring survey’, clearly there’s not a solid understanding that perceptions of the audience are on-going.
And – excellence should be pursued every day.
Every executable element affects every survey or audience station selection.
Each audio/video piece on your brand is part of your fabric – in the consumers mind.
Develop and consistently revisit a checklist to ready for your ‘electoral battle’.
- Arm your leaders with tools for success.
- Develop a VISUAL of your target listener – posting where team members can view.
- Share the ‘picture of success’ with your entire team.
- Provide your team with clear, consistent coaching.
- Ask your troops to develop a Personal Promotional Plan.
- Set an agenda for collaborative (virtual) team meetings.
- Re-evaluate your music, imaging and talent formatics.
- Prepare marketing for maximum top-of-mind recall.
- Develop partnerships with key clients and share marketing resources – co-op marketing increases exposure.
Now that Covid restrictions are lifting, street events should have a ‘show biz’ presentation with yards signs, ‘campaign stickers’, branded team gear and memorable leave-behinds.
Your goal for the election is to be selected in as many ballots (diaries) for maximum success.
How your campaign shapes up only increases your chances at the ratings ‘polls’.
Are you prepared for the election – today?
Is your brand the BEST candidate – to be ‘chosen’?
Next Week – How You Live