“Golf tips are like aspirin. One may do you good. But if you swallow the whole bottle you will be lucky to survive.” – Harvey Penick Legendary Golf Coach
Talent coaching is much like golf instruction (or ANY tutoring).
It’s a process without a destination. You’re always learning.
You can apply this basic coaching tactic to air talent, sales executives or leadership.
It’s one step at a time.
Another view – after his horse Street Sense won the 2007 Kentucky Derby, trainer Carl Nafzger offered this on getting the American Thoroughbred ready:
“Training is like painting a wall. You’ve got be patient. If you put that second coat on too early, you’ll mess it up.”
When you rush the process, you ‘mess it up’.
In a horse race, we see the two minutes of – NOT the hours invested on training.
Hearing great genius in two minutes on-air is much like the two minutes at Churchill Downs.
We only hear the end product – not the guidance and work ethic to create lean-forward content.
After sessions, talent often ask ‘is that it?’.
Yes – that’s it.
Go hit 1,000 balls with just your 5 iron and new grip.
When coaching talent, take one critical issue at a time.
Throwing several items in mass to address only confuses the result – a reverse domino effect.
If you’ve suffered through a golf lesson, you know this.
You will have the gratification of witnessing the true growth in baby steps.
Next Up – “What’s Going On”