“There’s a trend in marketing today to make brands “fully integrated” and “seamless.” In other words, to eliminate all incongruity and surprise. Shallow blands are fully integrated and seamless. To be deep and attractive, a brand must have incongruent characteristics that make it interesting. Just like a person.” – Roy H. Williams
You feel it minute you step into a place – any place.
That – feeling.
Target is different than Wal-Mart – and WAY different than K-Mart.
The file from previous visits burnt into your brain nearly pre-determines your experience.
The gate experience at Disney is far different than – say – Six Flags.
You get that instant gut feeling about how YOUR experience is going to turn out.
Word-Smith genius Roy Williams wrote about it 10 years ago – in THIS article.
YOUR brand is no different to your customer.
It’s more than aural consumption.
You can be a robust brand while pre-recorded (Ask for examples)!
During Customer Face Time, how does your customer consume their experience?
In your brick and mortar lobby – are there self-serving plaques (resembling a mortgage company) on the wall?
Or – items reflecting the entertainment of your brand?
How is your customer greeted?
When was the last time a staffer took 10 minutes to spontaneously offer a quick tour of your facility?
Vibe also extends to street presence.
When a customer approaches you on-site, how do you present?
Some – even today – cocoon on-site, insulating them from the customer.
In a measured every vote counts.
Imagine if Donald Trump wanted the Presidency – but didn’t meet any voters.
Enhancing every experience for your customer insures the BRAND won’t be – Bland.
Next Week – The Fringe
Kevin Robinson is a record-setting and award-winning programmer. His brands consistently perform in the Top 3 of the target – often as the list leader. In his 35 years of radio, he’s successfully programmed or consulted nearly every English language radio brand. Known largely as a trusted talent coach, he’s the only personality mentor who’s coached three different morning shows on three different stations in the same major market to the #1 position. His efforts have been recognized by The World Wide Radio Summit Radio & Records, NAB’s Marconi, Radio Ink and has coached CMA, ACM and Marconi winning talent. Kevin lives in Indiana with his wife of 34 years, Monica. Reach Kevin at (314) 882-2148 or kevin@robinsonmedia.fm.