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The Midweek Motivator – Remembering NBC’s Dick Enberg

For a college that began as an “Education Training” institution in 1892 my alma mater Central Michigan University shed that humble beginning long ago. Owing to vision and exceptional leadership, the University emerged as a nationally recognized Doctoral institution, reaching its pinnacle enrollment of 30,000 in the 2000’s.

Like most large universities CMU can claim limelight in many academic specialties including Business, Sciences and my favorite, Broadcast and Cinematic Arts. Among a bevy of Radio &TV alumni, Emmy winning NBC Sports anchor Dick Enberg and the late founder of highly respected Saga Communications’ Ed Christian, remain among the University’s multitude of celebrated Media grads.

NBC’s Enberg, the former play-by-play voice for the UCLA Bruins and the California Angels, assembled a light-hearted collection of Sports reflections guaranteed to make us laugh. Enjoy a few samples from Enberg’s “Humorous Quotes for All Occasions”.

Today’s motto among Silicon Valley’s workaholics? “Stop for lunch, and you’ll BE lunch!”

General John Gavin: “I often feel like the director of a Cemetery: I have a lot of people under me…but nobody listens.”

After being on the road so much I want to spend more time with my family…who I hear are wonderful people. Canadian Comic Howie Mandel

A consumer is not a moron; she is yourwife! David Ogilvy

In show business the key word is “honesty”. Once I learned to fake that, the rest was easy. George Burns

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen…that concludes my prepared remarks. Tim Conway

Will you people in the cheaper seats please clap your hands? All the rest of you can just rattle your jewelry. John Lennon

We were worried that our main speaker couldn’t be here tonight…but thanks to a “hold” in the prosecution’s case…

Just this week I was telling Shack O’Neil, I never name-drop! Tim Moore

The number-one fear in life is public speaking; the number two is the fear of death. This suggests if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than giving the Eulogy. Jerry Seinfeld

My son has taken up Meditation…at least it beats sitting around doing nothing! Max Kaufman


Back when I reported-in for processing with the Navy’s Defense Language Institute in DC, a gruff Chief Petty Officer offered me his best advice: “You may as well be happy here son, ‘cause no one gives a damn if you ain’t!”

One of four people in this Country is imbalanced. Think of your three closest friends…if they seem okay, hit the Yellow Pages.

Insanity runs in my family…actually, it practically galloped! (Cary Grant)

And keep in mind pet lovers; to your Dog you are family. To your Cat, you’re “staff”.
