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The Midweek Motivator – Those Guys Had All the Fun

It seems hardly possible forty-two years ago two mavericks created ESPN. It started in Connecticut where some guys launched a new channel stiffly named, “Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.” Today, […]

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The Midweek Motivator – View from the Hanoi Hilton

What’s the point of endless self-exculpatory activity? The world will ultimately judge us by opinions and abstractions largely out of our control. Beryl Markham had it right: That’s what makes […]

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The Robinson Report – Change

March 3rd, 1991.  Colorado Springs.  Preparing to land, a United Airlines 585 unexpectedly plunges to the ground after the crew (via cock pit recorder) witnessed the previous air bus struggled […]

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The Midweek Motivator – Quitting Too Soon?

Viewing the NCAA Basketball Championships reminds us: “never quit too soon.” There is nothing less conclusive than the score at halftime. Sports, academics or a media job hanging in the […]

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The Midweek Motivator – What Effective Brands Have In Common

“Never spend a cent on any type of advertising until you first decide on how you’ll measure your ROI.” I had the pleasure of working with Chuck Mefford when we […]

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The Robinson Report – Attitude

”The only disability in life is a bad attitude” –Dale Carnegie Our neighbor Bruce is one of those people who ALWAYS beams a smile. With the people on our block […]

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The Midweek Motivator – Uncommon Valor

Several years ago Mel Gibson set out to make a film comeback. He became intensely inspired on discovering a World War II account of Conscientious Objector Desmond Doss who unarmed, […]

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The Robinson Report – Meat On The Bone

“You’ve got a few seconds – at best – to make a case for WHY they should keep listening to you.  Make EVERY minute the best” – Karen Young – […]

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The Midweek Motivator – Ch-Ch-Changes

More and more we’re asked, “What do you guys recommend for improving the climate in our building…it seems to have deteriorated over the past two years of the Covid era!” […]

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The Midweek Motivator – Starbucks Fought for Its Life, Without Losing Its Soul

The brilliant architect of Starbucks Howard Schultz looked back on his company’s early marketing era and was incredibly candid, not to mention enlightening. Schultz reminisced about seeing the first Starbuck’s […]

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