“Dangling a carrot in front of a donkey—or anyone else for that matter—is not nice, and not fair, unless you eventually plan to give it up to them.” ― Vera Nazarian
The legend – Paul Harvey – mastered it.
As did Global Phenom — Casey Kasem.
The art of LEAN-FORWARD content.
It begins – if properly built – with an intriguing lean-forward tease.
Your local news is coached to do the same.
“Your kids are no longer safe on the bus. Story at 11!”
Movie trailers were built to build suspense – for the movie.
Yet – many now include the bulk of the story that there’s often times a reason to – pass.
You hear this in radio and audio content – too much too soon.
If you follow Josh Spector, his newsletter emails are often ONE line to garner the click.
Just this morning here’s his note:
“I bet some of these numbers will shock you.”
That’s. It.
It’s a simple exercise to craft.
Create ONE (or two) line(s) that draws the listener forward.
You then pay it off soon after – creating multiple occasions of listening.
Which – as we know – occasions drive ratings.
Practice crafting your tease – or pre-promote of content.
Coach your talent to do the same.
Compelling listening will follow – as will an increasing share.
Next Up – Just Say No