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The Robinson Report – Oprah!

“If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry; worry never fixes anything” – Earnest Hemingway

During the Ken Burns documentary Hemingway – just concluded on PBS last week – not only did Burns further cement his legend as a master story teller, we uncomfortable truths about the writer.

“Sure”, you say.  “Burns had 6 uninterrupted hours to paint Hemingway”.

In the audio world, stories separate YOU – from a Spotify playlist.

In our workshop Coaching The Coaches, in short order we outline Casey Kasem and Oprah’s mastering the art of the tease.

Casey could craft story – with lean forward content. His Three Dog Night ‘name’ story is less than 40 seconds – here.

Drop me a note and I’ll e-mail you Casey’s tease about the Cello stage stunt Electric Light Orchestra’s Mike Edwards perfected.  Great for a coaching session.

Coaching The Coaches covered Oprah’s pre-sell skill:

  1. Intrigue – “Soccer Mom hooked on meth in the suburbs – NEXT Oprah!”
  2. Hit Sharp – delete weak words and adverbs.
  3. Make It Print – Oprah’s show teases :05 or :10 seconds

Oprah’s still got it – with expertly crafted ROYAL teasing – here.

Does your team understand effective benchmarking – time discipline – hyper targeted content?

 Or are they interviewing The Monster Truck Champion just because he’s available?

Be the Oprah of YOUR market – and win.

Next week – Three
